Michelle Harrison
Michelle is originally from New Jersey and recently moved to Raleigh to be closer to her family. She is looking forward to exploring the beautiful nature and parks that this area has to offer. Some hobbies she enjoys are reading, hiking, playing tennis/golf, and traveling. She has been in the field of speech and language pathology since 2012.
Office: (919) 488-4009
Cell: (201) 264-0103
Email: michelle.rppst@gmail.com
• Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences in Disorders from Penn State University
• Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from University of Florida
• Clinical Certificate of Competence from the American Speech and Hearing Association
• State License from the Florida and North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathologists
• Montessori Certification in Early Childhood Education
• Expressive and/or Receptive Language Disorders
• Articulation Disorders
• Phonological Disorders
• Stuttering/Dysfluency Disorders
• Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Intellectual Disabilities
• Cerebral Palsy
• AAC (Picture Exchange Communication System, Core Board, Sign Language, LAMP, Various Low Tech/High Tech systems)